The Voter Fraud
(aka Bigly Jigging in the Rigging)
Is there voter fraud in the US?
Yes, I’m certain that there is
It consists of half-baked lies
From a President who’s hid
Himself inside his bunker
While writing lonely tweets
Out into the ether
As “his people” he cheats
Now see just how that’s phrased
Did you notice the quotes?
That’s because he thinks they’re his
To him they’re only votes
And although they’re very many
A shameful fact it’s true
In contrast with his opponents
They’re the minority, the few
Some of whom cannot accept
That though a number can be big
Yet others still can be larger
So they rally to the pig
And pay heed to all his words
That he writes in ALL CAPS
Imagining he’s saintly
The second coming perhaps?
“And someone said that they’d heard
Things on the Internet
The Donald has been swindled
And Deutsche Bank made up his debt
We trust Don with our freedom
And we can all relax
We know it’s not an issue
That he won’t reveal his tax
Four years after he promised
That he was an open book
There cannot be a problem
We do not need to look
Antifa stole Trump’s election
With all their ballot rigging
By all going out to vote
A disgrace, now we’re swigging
Trump’s elixir of Kool-Aid
It’s all we need to drink
It helps us to see clearly
What he wants us to think
They just kept finding ballots
Wrapped up in envelopes
Trump said they should stop counting
His misdeeds and his gropes”
For it isn’t just your private things
That Trump grabs at for fun
He also wants to play around
At being like Kim Jong Un
‘Cos Donald Trump loves cosplay
He thinks it makes him look cute
Dusting himself with bronzer
Already wearing his fat suit
But even that won’t cheer Donald up
He’s suffered such a major loss
That he can’t pay his expenses
For outstanding election costs
And he is so very angry
That Joe Biden won the selection
It must have been a fix to make
Trump lose his little election