Fuck Off Warship (aka Fuck off Warship)
Fuck off warship, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck off warship, fuck right off too
You’ll kill us, we don’t fucking care
You’ll kill us, but you will despair
For though you kill, you can’t begin
As you have stalled, you’ll never win
For ever kept inside your mind
Even when you’re old and blind
The vivid memories of days
You murdered innocence, your craze
Was that you only followed orders
To molest another’s borders
The cowardice now sealed in your head
Will wake you nightly and in dread
Because you blasted honest folk
Around your neck the noose will choke
You then will waken with no ease
Your breath a stilted, chucking, wheeze
Because your conscience won’t allow
You to forgive yourself somehow
Because you know what you have done
And that you’re vile murderous scum
I hope that you never have peace
From nightmares that will never cease
As you think of those brave souls who
Said “Fuck off warship, fuck off you”