Rat Out of Hell – Sung by Tweet Oaf (Written by Whim Sly-Man)
The firings are screaming, and the hirelings are prowling
Way down in the west wing tonight
There’s a man with the Saudis with some guns in his eyes
And a trade deal that’s oh so right
There’s evil in their stare and there’s blunders in their “why’s”
And Steve Miller yawns (as the floods got tweets)
The drowning we shun still for the deadly are uprising
Oh, ICE where I sorta sung “boys brown” with a stutter
“They was startin’ to roam in the streets”
Oh, Miller you’re the only thing in this whole world
That’s truer than good alt-right
And whoever I bar – you’re ever the star
At ignoring a refugees plight,
They gotta get em out, gotta take em out now
It’s for the Jina’ll crack I long
So we have to be rather specific and terribly tariffic
When it’s over, our foe
Mmm, Impressive very strong
Like he’s shat out of hell Miller’s gone when morning comes
When his spite is over, like a rat out of hell, I’ll be “Bing, Bing, Bong”
Like a rat out of hell I’ll see thongs when the porning comes
But when this play is done
And Miller goes down
And my goon’s white’s shining through
Then like a grinner deplores with hates unpleasant
I’ll come trolling on back to you…
Art Out of Hell?