Anne Widdicome’s Moral High Ground (aka The Homo-Erotic Gay Pride Mardi Gras Liberation Parade of Brexit Freedom) “The freedom to ...
Author: WSD
Sumo SummitSumo Summit
Sumo Summit (aka It’s Wrestle-Mania time again “Trump” vs “The Lump”) Trump’s been in training all of his life Practiced ...
Shamed Don TrilogyShamed Don Trilogy
Be Best - The Spy who loved Putin (Aka The name's Don - Shamed Don) Nobody does it better Makes ...
#Trump Humor #Trump Humour #Trump lyric #Trump song #Trump verse
Sunny WeatherSunny Weather
Weather Summary (aka Whether Summery?) Now listen kids it’s easy Let me summarise For you are still young, so Listen ...
Trolling StoneTrolling Stone
Conspiracy Fear – Wrists (aka There Ain’t no Hope and Don’t Drop the Soap) A conspiracy theorist called Corsi’s Voice, ...
Fake QsFake Qs
J’accuse Fake Qs – Alex Jones and Donald Trump They are Fake News (aka Mind your Cs and Qs) In ...
#Trump Humor #Trump Humour #Trump Limerick #Trump poem #Trump rhyme #Trump verse
Trump Mono SlogTrump Mono Slog
The Long and Winding Speech by George (Barron’s Son) – The keep quiet about him Tweetle The long and winding ...
Barr LimboBarr Limbo
The Low Barr (aka The Fifth Avenue Clues by Felonious Trump) The Donald set such a low bar That his ...
Barr’s First LawBarr’s First Law
Difficult Truths and Hard Facts (aka Barr’s 1st Law of “There’s No Lie” Manics) There are “difficult issues of law ...
Windmills of the MindWindmills of the Mind
Tilting at Windmills (The adventures of Donald ‘Quixote’ Trump) Those windmills are “Bigly, nasty, and gauche” Said Trump, “and upon ...
#Trump Golf #Trump Humor #Trump Humour #Trump poem #Trump rhyme #Trump verse #Trump windmills