Sarah Huckabee Slander's (aka The Fat Scrotum's Factotum)Good ol' Sarah HuckabeeWill lie for all eternityFor her it would seem uncouthTo ...
Author: WSD
The Opinionated Ramblings an Old DogThe Opinionated Ramblings an Old Dog
Culture PoliticsWhere does one stand on culture?It has been said culture is a good thingWhether it is found in a ...
Scots DoggerelScots Doggerel
Welcome to my blogIt really is a slogI don't know what I'm doingAnd I'm just a little dogBut I will ...
Pinocchio knows?Pinocchio knows?
Spin Okay? No! (aka Just-Happy to find out what Sarah knows)An old Special Counsel called MuellerBrought in Sarah Sanders to ...