Johnson’s Progress (aka The Tacky One’s Direction of Travel)
He thinks that he is faster that light
Like a tachyon particle, right?
But his causality’s wrong
For it’s ahead of his long
Trail of destruction – no end insight
Well it’s said “there’s no time for the wicked”
And then there’s those whose leadership’s “nick-ed”
That create mass con-fusion
With their facile conclusion
A fissile faecal pile from a “dick-ed”
For Bo’s anatomically flawed
And his resting heart rate, it is baud
A celestial joke
We’d prefer to revoke
Bojo’s below par, tickle of God
That reversed the arrow of time
So Cupid could greasy pole climb
Sorry did I say Cupid?
You know I meant “Stupid”
I’ll now end this – “not before rhyme”