Wicked Leaks (aka The Rusher Gushers keep Control) How do Trump and Pence rate Wikileaks? I heard they rate them ...
Category: Fine People
Rabbit ArtRabbit Art
Inflatable Rabbits (aka The Munchkin who framed Roger’s Habit) Steve Mnuchin’s dad Robert used money To purchase an inflationary bunny ...
Ted SpaceTed Space
Barnacle Ted Cruz – the Cling On (aka Space Piracy of the High C’s) Ted Cruz, was keen on space ...
Don and JokoDon and Joko
Scary Distrust (aka Wall is Over) by Don Denn(is)on (of the Tweetles) and Joke O’ Oh No! [whispered] : Happy ...
The TweetlesThe Tweetles
A Hard Nights Tweet (By Lol McBarkney and the Tweetles) It’s been a hard tweets night, and I’ve been working ...
A Grand Old PartyA Grand Old Party
The Trump Administration Playbook (aka Kellyanne’s 17 lessons for Sister Sarah) 1 – The Denial “It did not happen, it’s ...
NRA ExpensesNRA Expenses
The Fashion Victim (aka The News Bulletin) For the Wild West This garment’s the best With passion For fashion Wear ...
Don Junior to Testify!Don Junior to Testify!
The Contemptible Don Junior (aka A Diseased Tissue of Lies under the Limited Microscope) “I refer you to my previous ...
What’s an Elephant Daddy? “Daddy what’s an Elephant?” Asked a young boy to his Dad. “Are they things from olden ...
Dancing with SnakesDancing with Snakes
Break Dancing with The Conga (aka Achy Snaky Fart) Let’s all do the conga Trump’s sense of smell seems stronger ...