Donny and Marie, or Donny Dross-Tanned vs. Marie
(aka Witless Tampering)
Marie Yovanovitch, quiet, demure
Was making President Trump insecure
His tweets were uncouth
Afraid of the truth
And of honesty plain, simple and pure
Whistling through ether to speak to his base
Showing the world what an utter disgrace
To his office he is
Taking to the abyss
All who allow themselves, him to debase
Surrounding himself with fawning sycophants
They cheer him on loudly as he speciously rants
But while they are faking
Trump trousers cash making
His sicko-fantasists all scream in their pants
But in the end his tampering will all come to nought
Because intimidation is all that he has got
Unlike Yovanovitch
He will whine like a snitch
Blaming all those around who conspired with him to plot
It will not help him though, the truth always will out
And there will not be left any semblance of doubt
Of this Trumplestilt-
skin’s culpable guilt
Marie’ll be free, but freedom he’ll be without
Just a small intervention there from Double Don Tinder (of Double Don Tinder’s Double Entendres) at the end of the third verse. He’s been too busy trying to rub off Richard Nixon on Roger Stone’s bare back to contribute any more. But he does give of himself so selflessly whenever he can.