Climate of Fear (aka Trump's Green and - Pleasant - Banned!) Trump thinks that climate change is a hoax Just made up to fool all of the folks So that's why for Greenland He has something mean planned One of his environmental jokes But if global warming ain't real Then why does he have so much zeal To buy all that ice At double the price Is his mind in estate that is real? Unless, perhaps maybe it's true That all along, throughout he knew That Greenland would turn brown But no - this orange clown Would never want something that hue Or maybe it's simply he felt The US should loosen its belt And claim lebensraum where He'd put immigrants there To pray that the ICE - it would melt But Alaska? Nada - it's not Greenland it cannot just be bought There will be no Trump tower In an ice land with power To tell Trump, don't touch, it's too hot!
Green with Envy