Idiocracy (aka The Ladybird book of How it Doesn’t Work – Jacob’s Brain)
The problem with these experts
Is that they don’t know their place
Which they should understand
Is bowing down before his grace
For Rees-Mogg thinks having expertise
Of one’s mind is a waste
So therefore he denounces it
As being “a disgrace”
For there will be contingency
The Government’s suborned
Transport for our Medicine
From a million unicorns!
Written in recognition of Rees-Mogg’s superior knowledge and expertise in the fields of medicine (and the supply of medicines) to that of a recognised expert in the field who Rees-Mogg denounced as a remoaner, while Nick Ferrari, the LBC radio host cut off the expert (who he had called for comment) so as to allow Mogg to persist with his uninformed guff completely unchallenged.