New York by Spank Sin Rat-Trap (aka Rank Spin at Rap)
He’s frightened of truth, He’s leavin’ today
He wants to be apart from it
New York, New York
His bragger Don clues, are bonging away
Right to the scary part of it
This dork’s, a cork
In rectum take up, he’s a shltty kind of a creep
But now he’s looking quite ill
Top of the sheep
These whistle town news
Are making him pray
He’ll play no more a part in it
Too old, to pork
If he can’t make it there, He’ll take it anywhere
It’s up to Trump, to fork, his cork
He wants to fake up it’s a pity he never sleeps
And though his fumbles done, dropped off the list
Fiona Hill, shows he’s dumb as dumb
These whistle town blues, he’s getting away
He’s gonna make a Floridian start of it
Not in New York
If he can escape there
He thinks he can escape tax payers
It’s up to you, the courts
To work
New York!
Note: I wrote this five days before Colbert released his version to YouTube. In fact I wrote this within five hours of the announcement that Trump was quitting New York for Florida and it took only about forty five minutes to write, it would have been less but I was tired (and possibly drunk at the time). And yet the version on Colbert was still better than the above! The nerve of the man (and his team of clever writers).
Still I got my own back, within minutes of the version being posted I posted mine as a comment! No likes and counting! (Probably offended a YouTube algorithm?!?)