Brexmas at Number 10
(aka Have Yourself a Sherry and get Pissed Max)
It’s Christmas time and Boris
Is as excited as can be
To see what’s in his stockings
And ‘neath the Christmas tree
Will it be a Brexit?
Gleaming and brand new
Or will it be Jacob Rees-Mogg
In red and white and blue?
Looking like a Turkey
On Dom Pérignon he’s wasted
What plummy boy has up his arse
We can’t tell – but he’s basted
And then there’s little Govey
A tiny impish elf
Who’s always up to mischief
Upon his lonely shelf
For teeny Gove is restless
He’s feeling quite left out
He needs responsibility
To duck, we’re sure – no doubt
But Boris says “can’t have it
It’s mine I tell you all
I’ll play with it until I’m bored
Two minutes (then withdrawal)”
“That’s how I got ‘em preggers
Every Chris (Miss Day)
By playing with them once only
Before tossing away!”
Well done Double Don Tinder (of Double Don Tinder’s Double Entendres), that was some quality work in the Double Entendres department there.