A Wee Scots Dog Don Senior,Morals,Spiritual Matters Trump’s Three Detestaments

Trump’s Three Detestaments

Book Signing (aka Bible Trumping)

As he scratched out a cross on the Bible
Denoting his name, Trump’s thoughts turned libel
The depiction of Satan
In King James was too hatin’
So he riled up his base to go tribal

Book Burning (aka The Bible Trumping Returns)

But his niece had different ideas
And since he did not do Culpa (Meas)
She was disposed
For him to be exposed
And that is what gave him the fears

The New Test Amen (aka More Bible Trumping)

Trump he loves the Bible
Part one and part two
He loves the bit that is old
And he loves the bit that is new

Trump’s hero? That was Jesus!
Who brought the good news
That the Lord God had made Trump
King of all the Jews

And the Bible has great words
They are some of the best
That’s what people are saying
Words like “low” and like “blest”

Yes the Bible’s very special
But it is personal, it is true
So what it says to Trump
May not be what it says to you

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